Vogmask VMC Filtering face mask
Materials: Printed non-woven PP outer layer, woven PP inner layer, VM particle filter recipe and Carbon filter middle layers, aluminum noseband, 94% cotton with 6% latex-free spandex trim and ear loops, optional head strap accessory of cotton and latex-free spandex for alternate suspension behind head.
Type: Non valved Vogmask designed to provide source control by reducing exhaled respiratory droplets and aerosols of the mask wearer and personal protection for reducing the amount of inhaled particle matter by the mask wearer.
Vogmask Organic VM Filtering face mask
Materials: Organic cotton outer and inner layer, VM particle filter recipe middle layer, aluminum noseband, 94% cotton with 6% latex-free spandex trim and ear loops, optional head strap accessory of cotton and latex-free spandex for alternate suspension behind head.
Type: Non valved Organic cotton Vogmask designed to provide source cntrol by reducing exhaled respiratory droplets and aerosols of the mask wearer and personal protection for reducing the amount of inhaled particle matter by the mask wearer.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Vogmask is designed as filtering face mask for particles and is marketed for general use without fit testing on each mask wearer. Vogmask Technical File includes Fit Testing on human test subjects to confirm filtering efficiency across a series of motions in independent fit testing lab. The filtering efficiency of a mask depends on a good seal around the nose and mouth.
The technical and test reports below provide conformance testing to support Vogmask product safety and efficiency.

Vogmask VMC and Organic VM are NON VALVED filtering masks. Vogmask VMC is printed outer layer with middle layers of VM particle filter for >98% of microscopic particles and carbon filter and inner layer of woven microfiber. Vogmask Organic VM is certified cotton outer and inner layer with middle layer of VM particle filter for >98% of microscopic particles. The filtering efficiency depends on a good seal around nose and mouth. Non valved Vogmasks filter inflow and outflow.

VMCV and Organic VMC2V are VALVED filtering masks with middle layers of VM particle filter for helping to protect from >95% of microscopic particles, carbon filter, and one or two exhalation valves that facilitate exit of moisture and heat from the interior of the mask. Valved Vogmasks help to protect the wearer ONLY from inhalation of airborne microscopic particles. Note that parto of your exhale exits the valve unfiltered.

95% Particle Penetration Filtering Efficiency, Filter class provides >99.9% Viral and Bacterial Filtering Efficiency, Suitable materials, 5 Sizes for a good fit across a range of head diemnsions and shares, and Reusability
The filter efficiency as stated in 42 CFR Part 84.181 is a minimum efficiency for each filter of ≥ 95% ( ≤ 1% penetration) . The test articles submitted by the sponsor conform to the criteria for filter efficiency.
NOTE: Vogmask is marketed for general use directly to consumers and is NOT CERTIFIED by NIOSH/CDC/NPPTL for workplace where an OSHA Compliant respiratory protection program to include Fit Testing on each individual is required.

Outer faceblank (Non-woven PP or organic cotton)
Coconut shell derived carbon bonded to textile or no carbon (organic VM)
VM 95% filter class particle filtering media VM recipe
Inner faceblank (woven PP or organic cotton)
Aluminum nosepiece
Sew-in identifier tag of polyester
Trim and ear loop of 96% cotton and 6% Latex-free spandex
No latex in the manufacture of Vogmask. Material components have safety data sheets to confirm safety for masks.
Vogmask is manufactured under Quality Plan at ISO Certified plant in Seoul, Korea approved for international sales by Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.
Important Note: Vogmask is designed as filtering face mask for helping to protect from particles. NIOSH does not certify respirators that are marketed directly to the general public, without OSHA Compliant respiratory protection program to include Fit Testing on each individual. Vogmask is NOT a NIOSH Certified mask for medical or workplace. Our filtering masks are designed to present to the public a safe, comfortable, well-fitting, and efficient consumer mask product..
FIT: The filtering efficiency of a mask depends on a proper fit. This is why we offer Vogmask in 5 sizes. Also Vogmask is Quantitatively Fit Tested on human subjects to make sure the filtering efficiency is retained over a series of motions like walking, head movements, bending over, talking, etc.
Vogmask measures within the safety range for breathing resistance and is therefore comfortable to wear and safe for wearing for long stretches of time.
QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Ohlone has established and maintains a Quality Management System (QMS), which includes a Quality Manual and detailed standard operating procedures. Ohlone operates under the QMS to ensure its business processes are focused on consistently meeting customer requirements and enhancing customer satisfaction of the Vogmask brand. Ohlone strives to maintain a high level of product quality and, through its manufacturing partners, seeks to continuously improve its products.
PRODUCT CONFORMS to standards in testing at independent testing labs.
>98% Particle Penetration Filtering Efficiency
Viral Filtration Efficiency
>99.9% There were no detected plaques on any of the Andersen sampler plates for this test article. See Test Report at www.vogmask.com/pages/technical
Bacterial Filtering Efficiency
>99.9% There were no detected colonies on any of the Andersen sampler plates for this test article. See Test Report at www.vogmask.com/pages/technical